
Self-Run Mystery Events

Specially crafted kits that allow you and your guests to completely immerse yourselves in your characters.

Guide character journeys. Build onto the storyline. Uncover the mysteries.

Explore our Educator Kits! Ideal for those dedicated to elevating learning experiences.

Corporate traingings



Summer camps

Social gatherings

Corporate traingings ✨ Retreats ✨ Classrooms ✨ Summer camps ✨ Social gatherings ✨

Customer Reviews

Do you have what it takes to solve the case?

Party Kits

Are you seeking to host an unforgettable event for your friends and family? We pour our heart and soul into our party kits. Designed for those with an adventurous spirit, our self-run mystery events are perfect for people who enjoy spontaneity and creativity.

Educator Kits

Are you looking to add excitement to your corporate training, classroom, or retreat? Our educator kits offer a simplified, streamlined version of our party kits. They provide a safe and playful environment for participants to gain skills and explore new perspectives.